alt.fiction 2007

Friday, September 07, 2007

Alt.Fiction latest

Hi All,

Just thought I'd pop in to let you know I hadn't forgotten my blog here...

Things have been rather fraught with Derby's impending Festival of Words, so for the time being at least, Alt.Fiction will be taking a seat on the back burner. For those of you thinking that the Festival of Words isn't for you, we will be hosting a Classic Dr Who night featuring readings from Paul Magrs as well as a Writers Networking event in which the publishing panel will include a representative from Black Library.

However matters of Alt.Fiction are still very much in my mind and I find myself plotting away every now and then, considering what workshops and panels we could run, what author pairings would work and so on. Hopefully at least a few of those daydreams will be coming to fruition.

I'll be sending out another round of author invites in the near future- I won't be naming names until things are sewn up but I think it'll be great to get some more of our local writers on board to go alongside some of the talent we've already confirmed. The Festival will still be taking up a lot of time, so much of that I expect will be done from home. Don't let anyone tell you that people work in the arts for the great hours...

I'm still plotting away on various different things in my 'free' time, and will keep you posted on some of that in the near future.

So very much a post to let you know I'm still breathing- expect something more extensive before the FantasyCon weekend, 21st-23rd September.

Thanks a lot



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